DROP-OFF / PICK-UP information

To make sure the daily drop-off and pick-up of students runs smoothly, safely, and efficiently, it is imperative that everyone follows all of the rules.

Drop-off is between 7:50 AM and 8:15 AM. School begins at 8:15 AM. Students who arrive earlier than 7:50 AM will not be allowed in the building unless they have a scheduled before-school meeting with a teacher or are eating school breakfast which starts at 7:45 AM.

We highly recommend finding a carpool group to alleviate congestion. If you need help finding someone in your area to carpool with, please contact the front office for more information.

On arrival, please pull all the way forward as close to the curb as possible. Please do not stop at the doors. For safety reasons, all students must exit the side of the vehicle nearest the sidewalk. Once students are dropped off, they are to go directly to their classroom to get ready for their school day to begin. If you arrive after 8:15 AM, please park your vehicle in the lot and escort your student(s) into the building, then check-in at the office.

Afternoon pick-up will occur from 2:50 PM – 3:10 PM Monday through Thursday, and 1:00 PM – 1:20 PM on Friday. Students who are not picked up by 3:10 PM on Monday through Thursday or by 1:20 PM on Fridays will sit outside on the benches in the front of the building until their ride arrives. We ask for your courtesy in picking up your students promptly after school.

Any carpool that has a Kindergarten student in their car will be required to use the back lot for afternoon pick-up. We ask siblings of Kindergartners or those riding with a Kindergarten student to wait with the student in the back pick-up areas. Again, this only applies to the afternoon pick-up times.

Do not park your car in the front drop-off lane before 2:45 M-TH or 12:55 on Friday. This is a constant concern, and we must leave this lane open for emergency vehicles. The front lanes will be blocked off until these times. If you wish to come earlier, feel free to use the back or front parking lots.

3000 East is not a place you can park, drop off, or pick up. Please review the Drop-off and Pick-up Instructions and Map below for the most current information.

New DROP Off/pick up procedures

We are excited to announce that the construction on 3000 East is nearing completion. This development opens up new options for drop-off and pickup, which we hope will help alleviate some of the frustration and delays that have been occurring each day.

We have worked with the city to create a new temporary road to the east of our location. 

With these changes in mind, we would like to provide some guidance on the available options:

  • Drop-Off: You are welcome to use any of the drop-off options shown, depending on what is most convenient for you. When the back lot drop-off is backed up, there may be an employee motioning you to utilize the front lot drop-off so as not to create more congestion. We will ensure no matter what drop-off you use or are asked to use that your child makes it safely to their classroom. Please have your students here before the starting bell of 8:15 am. The back gate closes around 8:13. If you show up after 8:13 you will need to drive to the front of the school. If you show up later than 8:15 you will need to come into the school and sign your child/children in.
  • Pickup: We ask that you choose one of the designated pickup options and consistently use that location each day. Additionally, please communicate your chosen pickup location with them to ensure a smooth process.

One issue we have encountered is that students sometimes do not wait in the designated pickup area, which necessitates calling them over the radio and delays the pickup process. To improve efficiency, please ensure your child is in the correct pickup area as soon as you arrive.

Important - Please pick up your children/carpool by 3:10 Monday through Thursday and 1:20 on Fridays. We move all students to the front of the school at 3:05 on Monday through Thursday and at 1:15 on Fridays.

In choosing the best option we are asking you to follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose which option will best meet the needs of your family/carpools.

Step 2: Once you choose an option discuss with your children/carpools where they need to stand to be picked up. If the students can be in the correct area for pickup, the quicker this process can go. Please instruct them to always look for their cars. All cars should keep moving forward as much as possible. They are allowed to walk to their cars unless the lane is moving forward. Once the car has come to a complete stop, then they can get in.

Options as shown in the map

Option 1: BACK LOT (north side of the school by the playground) shown in yellow. This will include Kindergarten and their carpools and anyone else that wants to use the back. Entering from the northeast entrance and parking or following the carpool flow is represented in yellow. Students must enter the car on the driver’s side of the car next to the sidewalk.

Option 2: FRONT LOT PARKING LOT SIDE shown in orange. Entering from the south entrance on 3000 East and either parking in the parking lot or following the carpool flow represented in orange. Students must enter the car from the driver’s side of the car against the sidewalk. Important: this is the only lane that is accessible from the front entrance. Do not block any traffic lanes on 3000 East.

Option 3: FRONT LOT SCHOOL SIDE shown in blue. Entering from the east entrance in the left lane and following the carpool flow represented in blue. Students must enter the car from the passenger side of the car against the sidewalk.

Option 4: EAST SIDEWALK shown in purple. Entering from the east entrance in the right lane and following the carpool flow represented in purple. Students must enter the car from the driver’s side of the car against the sidewalk.

Option 5: WALKING/BIKING – Please make sure your child is using our safe route by staying on the sidewalk and crosswalks to the north and south of our school and wearing protective gear when riding scooters or biking.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we transition to these new arrangements. We are committed to making drop-off and pickup as smooth as possible for everyone.

GWA Drop-Off and Pick-Up Map Updated 9/24/2024

Utah Safe Routes to George Washington Academy


 For all your uniform questions and needs, see the links below.

Daily student Schedule 

Monday - Thursday 8:15am - 2:50pm

Friday 8:15am - 1:00pm


Immunization Requirements for:

Utah Immunization Requirements


For more information on Internet Safety here are two resources:

Utah PTA

Net Safe Utah